“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”
Virginia Wolf

Someone once told me the best speeches are those where the speaker leaves a little of himself in the delivery. The same must be true of writing. I am conscious of the reality I am always writing for you, whether in a business capacity as your copywriter or in a personal capacity as your storyteller. Regardless, I hope the sum total of my experiences makes for passages worthy of your attention.
In a perfect world, my material would appeal to readers of all ages. My target audience, however, is young adults. And because there is so much I wish I could have told my younger self, I have dedicated my blog to the kind of financial, career, and relationship advice I wish someone would have given me.
As for the rest of the site? I suppose it’s a reflection of my interests. More than anything though, I want it to be another means to connect with you. My future works will be enriched by the dialogue we share and what you teach me.
Yours in service,
Joe Orozco